English tournament in Oslo, March 4

This autumn Norway will send one player to the world championship in Scrabble. The qualification tournament for the WSC will most likely be held in Oslo June 15-16. It’s time to start practising. The tournament on the 4th of March will be played in the basement of Scotsman pub, which is located on Karl Johans gate in the heart of Oslo.

We will play 4 rounds, and the playing will start at 18.00 sharp. Registration is open from 17.30. No entry fee. The dictionary will be Collins 2012 edition, and there will be a computer located in the playing area for self-judging.

Major rule differences from Norsk scrabbleforbund’s rules are:
-Each player have 25 minutes on their clock, instead of 30
-You don’t have to rotate the board for your opponent, but you are allowed to do so on your own time
-There is a 5-point penalty per WORD challenged, not 10 point per play

We hope as many players as possible will use this opportunity to try the wonderful thing that is English Scrabble.

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